The Words That Come Out of Our Mouth: How Self-Talk Shapes Our Reality

I've often found myself reflecting on the profound impact of the words we speak—especially the words that come out of our mouth when we talk to ourselves. Our inner dialogue can be so powerful, shaping not just our self-perception but also our reality. I've experienced firsthand how positive self-talk can influence my journey, and I believe it's a crucial aspect of success for any woman.

Understanding the Power of Self-Talk

For many years, like most, I struggled with self-doubt and negative thoughts. As I navigated the challenges of building a luxury brand, I often found myself questioning my abilities. It wasn't until I began to pay attention to my inner voice that I realized how detrimental my self-talk could be. The words I spoke to myself shaped my feelings, actions, and ultimately, my outcomes.

When I shifted my focus from criticism to encouragement, everything changed. I started to replace phrases like "I can't do this" with "What needs to happen in order for me to do this" This simple adjustment allowed me to approach challenges with a more positive mindset, fostering creativity and resilience.

The Impact on My Journey with Code Republic

The words that come out of our mouth have a unique ability to manifest our thoughts into reality. As I started my journey with Code Republic, I knew that maintaining a positive mindset would be crucial. Every time I faced a setback (and omg, there were so many)—whether it was a design that didn’t resonate or a tough day in the studio—I made it a point to speak kindly to myself. I reminded myself that setbacks are part of the process and that each challenge is an opportunity for growth.

By consciously choosing my words, I found the strength to push through difficult moments. Instead of allowing self-doubt to creep in, I became my own cheerleader. I embraced the mantra that I was building something beautiful and impactful for women, and this fueled my passion and determination.

Building Confidence Through Affirmations

 Affirmations are powerful tools that can help reinforce positive self-talk. When I wake up in the morning, I remind myself of my strengths and the impact of my work.  “I create with purpose” and “My designs empower women” set a positive tone for the day ahead.

I encourage other professional women to embrace this practice as well. Speaking affirmations into existence can be transformative, helping us cultivate confidence and clarity. It’s amazing how the words that come out of our mouth can shift our mindset and propel us toward our goals.

The Ripple Effect of Positive Self-Talk

The beauty of self-talk is that it not only affects us individually but also influences those around us. When I speak kindly to myself, I find that my interactions with my team and clients improve as well. A positive mindset radiates energy, fostering an environment of collaboration and support.

I’ve seen how uplifting words can inspire my team to embrace challenges and pursue excellence in their work. When we collectively nurture a culture of encouragement and progress over perfection, we create a space where creativity thrives and innovation flourishes.

By consciously choosing to speak to ourselves positively, we can reprogramme our reality, build confidence, and inspire those around us. As I continue my journey with Code Republic, I am committed to fostering a mindset that uplifts and empowers—not just for myself, but for every woman who believes in her potential.

Choose your words wisely, because they truly shape our reality.

Anthea Xx

Designer & Founder of Code Republic